Art provides children with a medium to express their feelings, thoughts, emotions and ideas in a creative way. Engaging in art activities helps children develop essential cognitive and motor skills.
Art and culture
Events and exhibitions organized with our network of museums and galleries.
A network of museums and galleries to offer artists easier exhibiting.
Research and promotion of new forms of digital art: technologies and culture.
Art is not just a form of expression;
it is a powerful language and tool that offers a unique and enlightening perspective on the world.
Art provides children with a medium to express their feelings, thoughts, emotions and ideas in a creative way. Engaging in art activities helps children develop essential cognitive and motor skills.
Our art education project for children aligns with the Aglaia Foundation‘s mission to empower youth through education and foster creativity. We believe in the transformative power of art and its ability to enrich lives, inspire learning, and promote social development.
Our priority is to support underprivileged communities and enhance access to quality education. By targeting schools in low-income neighbourhoods and countries, we are addressing the foundation’s focus on providing equal opportunities for all children.
We aim to improve academic performance, foster self-confidence, and enhance social skills among participating children.
Our projects welcome partnerships with local artists, schools, and community organizations.
By collaborating with established art institutions and connecting children with professional artists as mentors, to fostering community engagement and strengthening the local arts ecosystem.
decision making
Early development of creativity leads not only to a worthwile experience, but also to the cognitive growth that any artistic practice entails.
“This is my choice”: decision making
end of poverty cycle
We have already referred to the development of one’s subjectivity and now we will observe its concrete manifestation in decision making.
Artistic practice entails a large number of resolutions that range from the theme to the material used. Children who are exposed to art are capable of giving the best of solutions to a broad range of problems.
“My life has completely changed”: end of poverty cycle
The teaching of the arts should be included in he broader field of education. There is a good deal of consensus regarding the idea that education is the main driving force of change.
Nevertheless, an utility-based education is not enough. It is necessary to invest in an education that includes arts so that it becomes holistic and enables children to overcome their difficult situations and develope their talents freely.
jean piaget
Swiss constructivist psychologist whose detailed studies on the intellectual and cognitive development of the child exerted a transcendental influence on developmental psychology and modern pedagogy.
“The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things.”
In view of the advantages above mentioned we will implement a project that connects children and art with the goal of providing them a brighter future.
With the advantages outlined above, we are committed to implementing a project that connects children with art, providing them with a brighter future.
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